fredag 21. mars 2008


I have decided to put arena on hold until 2.4. I'm playing all 5 of my guys, since I only have between 600 and 650 spelldamage. I'm struggling to maintain 1400 rating on Cyclone battlegroup. Most teams I meet are very well geared, despite the low rating, so dropping targets are pretty hard still. Got the S3 chest last week, the Icon trinket and the Vindicator's belt, so now I only need the new spelldamage trinket and the ring from Battlegrounds.

I've started running heroics again. I need 210 badges when the 2.4 patch arrives for one ring and the Scryer spelldamage dagger. With these 4 items I should be able to increase my spelldamage to well beyond 800. This would be a huge upgrade for arenas.

Some pvp statistics:

Alterac Valley: 75% win ratio.
Eye of the Storm: 70% win ratio.
Arathi Basin: 50% win ratio.
Warsong Gulch: 40% win ratio.

Losses in Av are pretty much against premades.

Eye of the Storm is good for boxers. No flags to cap, and so I can focus solely on the fighting. Teams with many bloodelfs (mages/rogues especially) will cause problems with their aoe silence.

Arathi Basin and WSG is all about how the other players react to my presence. If they understand whats going on, they will support the team by defending bases and capping flags, and leaving me to counter the main force of the opposition. In most games however, I will have 1-4 players following me around. They won't even dismount to cap a flag if their lives depend on it. In some ways I understand it, but it's still pretty frustrating.

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