fredag 18. april 2008

Long time, no update and all that...

I'm not dead =)

Busy raiding The Sunwell with my main, so that's taken alot of my time. We're usually raiding 4 times a week, and are stuck at the Eredar Twins for the moment.

In Boxing news, I've taken on a healer for my arena team. A great druid from my guild. We've played 30 matches so far (not alot of time as I mentioned) and we've broken into 1600 rating territory fairly easily. I've gotten the Scryer Blade of Focus as a new main hand, so right now I'm around 800 spelldamage. Need 20 more badges for the new ring from the Shattered Sun Offensive vendor. Getting the S3 pants in a couple of weeks, and the helmet some time after that. These 2 items alone will boost my spelldamage with about 100.

I also cleared Magisters Terrace Heroic a while back, and have done it a few times since. Vexallus was a cockblock for a while, but I figured out a controlled way of taking him down, shocking his Pure Energies.

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