lørdag 17. november 2007

Changes, changes...

Ok, after running BRS for a while I got really bored with getting my tank Hexed by the Trolls. This caused some wipes and I decided I could not go on having to dodge encounters like the Shadow Hunter boss in LBRS. So I decided at first to add a holy/disc dps priest to my setup, but something was nagging in the back of my head and finally I found out what it was. I went Shammy healer for Tremor totem alone, and I never considered going with priest healer because I (thought) would loose Tremor Totem. The answer was naturally just to kick out one of the mages, respec the shammy to elemental and add a priest as healer. So I did. The priest is level 54 at the moment and I'm boosting him up to the rest of the group which is level 57.

This gives me the setup of Paladin Tank, Priest Healer, Shaman Elemental dps and 2 mages. The bonuses and synergies are off the charts. In a pull I'll be able to use Earth Shield and Power Word: Shield, and Renew on top of that. 5xGift of the Naaru is a sweet backup for those extreme pulls as well. I lost one sheep that I honestly never used, but I also gained a shackle. I will loose some dps due to 2.5 sec casttime on the mages and only 2.0 sec casttime on the Shaman (Lightning bolt) but hopefully Totem of Wrath will make up for that. Now I'll be able to disspell the tank whenever I need. Divine Shield is on too long of a cooldown to solely rely on. I've also gained 2 new buffs; Power Word: Fortitude and Divine Spirit. I'm excited for the changes I've made, it will not impact my playing style at all. I'm alittle weaker in the AOE department, but that doesn't worry me at all.

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